
I dare you to step into your truth

and set yourself free.         

Is this you?

If having it all is wrong, you don’t want to be right.

You’re great at this game, too – achieving on autopilot because it’s easy.

You’re capable, successful, dependable – the strong friend/wife/mother/executive consistently showing up and filling all the cups…

Psst. Raise your hand if running away from it all looks a little bit too enticing.

Listennn. I get it! That woman was me.

It feels like you’re what “success” looks like, but what’s inside isn’t quite lining up with what’s portrayed outside.

Maybe you’re overwhelmed, soul-tired, or feel like you’re hanging on by a thread. Maybe you’re wondering if you’re enough or if this is all there is.

How am I doing? Am I driving on your street yet, sis?

There’s good news:

You don’t need
to be “healed.”

There’s a little work involved, but there is a way out of this, and I promise you’ll love the other side. All you need is the willingness, sis.

I believe there’s a fire within phenomenal women like us driving our desire to achieve. It’s an “I’ll show them” mentality for some of us. We win because we’re proving someone wrong. Others have built phenomenal lives by channeling the energy from stories like “you aren’t worthy,” or “you’ll never make it” into something positive.

That kind of fuel works for a while. But If you’re feeling like I think you are…

Life is telling you to switch it up. It starts as a whisper, but trust me, it will roar.

so i dare you

embrace vulnerability & acknowledge your truth!

I’m here to help you hold a mirror to yourself so you can stop explaining away what isn’t working and start creating a life where your joy, play, and ease are center stage.

You can be (your version of) successful, leave your imprint on the world, and support your friends and family without losing yourself to the process.

If “reality check” was a (helpful and loving) person…

she’d be me

I’m Dr. Nandi, your resident truth teller and rabble-rouser, daring high-achieving women like yourself to confront your reality so you can start living from an aligned, authentic place.

I’m who you call when all the “win-win-winning, no matter what” gets exhausting!

I’m an executive coach and transformational facilitator, and I’m here to help you swap your “I’m every woman” mentality so you can fully embrace YOU.

I’ve spent more than 15 years helping big-shot execs motivate their teams.

I’ve helped major organizations choose connection over confinement.

I’ve helped 9 to 5’ers leap into entrepreneurship, and I’ve helped women say “no” in an act of self-love & really mean it.

And now I’m daring you, phenomenal woman, to live the life you were called to lead.

Life happens when you take action.

But you know that already.
Let’s do the soul work so you can set yourself free.

Listen to my podcast

Hear how phenomenal women practice accepting and loving the most vulnerable parts of themselves. Truth Then Dare with Dr. Nandi Shareef shines a light on embracing everyday vulnerabilities to live from a place of authenticity and dares listeners to create the space to do it for themselves.

Take my Course

In this half-day virtual workshop-meets-retreat, you’ll learn how to get comfortable with the discomfort of vulnerability. You’ll start by centering your mind (think meditation, journaling, and stretching), then diving into the nitty gritty through compelling talks and self-coaching prompts.

Book a retreat

Join me in the Texas Hill Country for a 4-day retreat I’m hosting for a small group of phenomenal women like you. Together, we’ll create the space we need to turn our vulnerabilities into living authentically and, in the process, cultivate an empowered community.

Get 1:1 Coaching

Vibe check – does your life RN reflect why you’re on the planet? If it’s a “no” for you, it’s time for alignment. Work with me 1:1 for guidance and support to understand your strengths, acknowledge your challenges, unearth your truths, achieve your goals, and set change into motion.

Connect to your truth and dare to live it

Hold space
for your vulnerability

Grab this audio activation to get in touch with, then embrace yourself, sis.